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War Noir
5/25/22, May 25, 2022 WIB
Last Updated 2023-05-09T14:28:44Z
russiarussia war

Ukrainian innocent football fans and Players who have died since Russia invaded Ukraine

It has been Three months since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and those 3 months  changed many dreams and have taken many lives. Among them are those of more than 40 football fans and football players in Ukraine
Russia football Ukraine
Image Source:Reddit
These people were not soldiers. They were normal citizens, ultras, waiting for the beginning of the spring half-season in Ukraine and to support their favorite teams home and away again. Instead, they had to join various volunteer groups to protect their homeland,freedom and loved ones... 
Rest in peace to heroes! We will not forget your sacrifice.
#heroesneverdie #glorytoukraine 

Source: UltrasTifo (Telegram)