Shocking Details on Salvador Ramos: A transgender behind The Texas Elementary School Shooter| Death toll Rises to 23

Salvador Ramos
Source:Anti Fascist Archive 

The 18-year-old shooter who has been identified as Salvador Ramos is believed to have shot 19 students and also killed 2 teacher at Robb Elementary School using a handgun and possibly a Riffle. 

Salvador is believed to have abandoned his vehicle with a handgun and a riffle due to pursuit by the police after being suspected to shot his grandmother before he headed to the school according to Multiple LE sources then ended when He ran into the school, started firing to children.

Salvador Ramos had reportedly dropped out of school numerous times, had a history of serious anger management issues, apparently suffered from bullying over a speech impediment, and was a loner according to fast-food chain work colleague. (Daily Telegraph)

Ramos had posted pictures of two automatic rifles and ammo on his Instagram account, having apparently posted which guns were on his “wish list” a year ago.

Ramos’s Riffle

It remains unclear whether Ramos was previously known to law enforcement

According to Governor Abbot, the 18-year-old was also shot dead by the police. Four days ago before the mass shooting, Salvador Ramos posted his murder weapons on Instagram and nobody cared. we live in a Jewocrazy, Nazicsim, white supremacism, drug overdosage, and Sky Rocketing prices but non has not been linked to the shooting since the boy is Christian by name .It also looks like he was also undergoing some sort of plastic surgery 
Salvador Ramos

Salvador Ramos
Salvador Ramos 

Parents are being swabbed for DNA near the school in order to help investigators identify who exactly is among the deceased.

Video source:CNN

We’ve got to learn that the image we used in the first place was misleading our Readers and thanks for the Comments to make us aware.Like we said earlier this was a developing story and our Editors are always working 24/7 to remove any fakes

Turns out the image above which was going around across social media was a photoshop and We do apologize for that.We did make edits to the Article and again thanks for the comments we love reading them keep them coming.
Source :Reddit


  1. The shooter is not trans and girl in the photos has verified it on Reddit, she is alive and well while the REAL shooter is very much dead, this is the extent of your journalism? Do your research.

    1. Not a girl lol.

    2. Definitely not a girl.

    3. what is the reddit thread?

    4. As legitimate source that reddit is, choose your sources tter

    5. Girl? Don't you mean "faggot in a dress?"

    6. Hey thanks guys for proving that no social issue is more important than transgender rights. I mean, you evil transphobic sociopaths can’t even talk about the loss of 20 innocent lives without being randomly, and weirdly, transphobic. Says a lot about Western society.

    7. Not a girl. They have pp

    8. Transphobes foaming at the mouth in these replies rn . No way y’all have an iq over 40.

    9. No one gets to dictate who or what SHE identifies as just move on with your life instead of dishing and misgendering this poor girl, words hurt so be mindful of what you say out.

  2. The one on the right drinking isn’t the shooter and he doesn’t live anywhere near Texas. Please remove

  3. Who tf edits your site? This is atrocious writing.

  4. Looks like the author had a stroke typing this. We live in a “Jewocrazy” ? Do you like spreading lies on the internet, AlvinAlexa?

  5. Les, lies, lies. You are publishing lies. Shame on you.

  6. while this may be true, the photo on the lower right, with the black long stockings, black shirt and white skirt, is not only photoshop, its poorly done photoshop (or whatever it is they are using to make fake images these days.) look at the legs. the right leg is in front of a picture that is on the ground, leaning against a bit of furniture. the bottom of the right leg blocks the photo. the left leg does not block the photo. it seems to disappear above it. one might think that perhaps the left leg is behind the photo, but it cannot be because the photo on the ground is leaning up against the furniture. The left leg looks like it disappears just below the knee.

    i am not sure of the other images... but that pick? to me? looks as fake as a 3 dollar bill.

    this person might be trans.
    this person might not be.
    this person might be on SSRI meds
    he might not be.
    we can say with certainly he is not a white supremacist, since hes a latino sort
    he might be a democrat.
    he might be a republican.

    none of these are the reason he killed 21 people. the reason he did that is he is an evil mother fucker. that is what we should focus on, not if he goes to pride rallies.

    1. Very well said

    2. THANK YOU!! This is so heartbreaking 💔 SENDING ALL MY PRAYERS 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💒💒💒

    3. You failed saying Latinos can’t be white supremacists.

      Not only can Latinos be white, they can also be white supremacists.

    4. Just noticed that photoshop thing and that’s just plain creepy wtf

    5. Is it not possible the left leg is just angled back, like bent at the knee? The image is quite blurry in general and that the black of the socks is matching the background with the lighting? You are correct it is obviously not behind the photo but you fail to rule out the most logical explanation of the bent knee?

      Actually. I downloaded the photo just now. It is clearly bent at the knee and the lower left leg can be clearly distinguished. Good thing it isn't your job to determine $3 bills.

  7. Absolutely terrible article

  8. It’s crazy how some always blame ignorance on black people! Stop the BS!!

  9. PLEASE stop spreading misinformation. This is not true. The shooter is dead and not the person in those photos as that person is alive and posting on Reddit.

  10. The shooter is not trans. The shooter is dead, the person who is in these photos is on Reddit, alive and well.

  11. So you just post a bogus story and feed the lies being pushed on social media? People are usingnthis story as justification for the pics even when the REAL people whos pics are veing used have spoke out .

  12. Thank you for writing. ❤️

  13. failed journalism lol this is an embarrassment to society

  14. Well there was a brief brief moment where I was intrigued after arriving at this site… After reading that atrocious article and all these racist comments (minus the few that are rational) I think I shall never return here again.

    1. Incredible how fast the comments just went bat shit crazy.

  15. He should be ashamed but I bet he doesn’t feel that way. Lies, lies, and more lies. And using pics that are not of the dead killer but others. WTF, his blog needs to be shut down.

  16. Who is writing this? False and unprofessional.

  17. This is fake news

  18. Hope you get sued for defamation

  19. Fake news, not true. He was indeed apart of the trans community. It’s public information, you can look it up. The media will tell you that it’s false, I’m telling you they are liars. The guy in the picture doesn’t even have the same hairline.

  20. This article and most of the comments , were written by people with the IQ of a salad bar.

  21. admit the photos are not of the shooter and all you do is make a small edit towards the bottom while keeping the photos at the top of the "article"? You're going to get this person killed.

  22. Why do we always want to use labels like "loner" when it comes to a white person. Call it for what it is. TERRORISM. HE was a terrorist clearly. You don't need a PhD to know that.

  23. Check your facts before posting. That is NOT the same person. Smh how sad. Y’all believe anything

  24. Homophobes should definitely be disarmed. Go fuck yourself you homophobic piece of fucking shit.

  25. An edit isn’t good enough. Delete this article. These disgusting lies will only lead to more people being hurt. Shame on you.

  26. bro can we stop being homophobic + racist when so many children have died. call that person the sociopath when ur focusing on telling a journalism crew to kill themselves. these are children for God's sake. grow a pair and actually mourn. the killer is dead what can u do about it? nothing. focus on yourself not others. if u have a kid imagine if THEY died. they had more future than anyone here. don't dishonor a child's death with such words. shame on u and thank you to the people actually being RATIONAL here in these comments.

  27. This whole article needs to be thrown in the trash.

  28. Change the headline...

  29. What the hell is a trans? You mean a person who identifies as transgender? And the shooter wasn’t a trans person you raging transphobe. Face it, 99% of mass shooters are a cis. Deal with it transphobe.

  30. What is jewocrazy? Did you even go to school? This article is very poor and can be categorized as misinformation. Please learn to make fried chicken or donuts to pay for the rent.

  31. Are these photos real ?

  32. Alvin, you’re better than this. Learn how to use grammar and writing, otherwise I have to assume you dropped out high school and never got a high school diploma.

  33. The article states that he has “Automatic” weapons. That is false. The weapons were Semi-automatic.


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